![]() 10/31/2013 at 15:22 • Filed to: video games, GTA, GTA V, grand theft auto, grand theft auto v | ![]() | ![]() |
I'd like to buy a Coquette and maybe an Entity XF when the stimulus package comes in. However, my GTA V Online garage has been full to the brim for a while now. All of my current vehicles have had a lot of money put into them, and each has a role to fulfill. What would you get rid of, and why? Here's my stable:
Annis Elegy RH8
Vapid Stainer
Vapid Dominator
Dinka Blista
Pegassi Bati 801
Vapid Sandking XL
Declasse Granger Sheriff SUV
Karin Rebel
BF Injection
BF Surfer
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Blista. It's slow and ugly and has no redeeming qualities.
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The Surfer only seats 2 and probably isn't very fast. Also you don't really need an Injection if you have a Rebel and Sandking. Blista is pointless.
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Panther has to go.
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The Blista! What is it even doing there amidst all those characters? PS which garage is this/do all the 8-10 car garages look the same?
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Blista or stainer.
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I was thinking the same thing, you could eliminate one of the three off-roaders.
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Come to think of it, the Stainer and Blista seem to be a bit out of place too. Get an Issi and Exemplar or Super Diamond instead if you want cars to fill those spots, otherwise I'd sell.
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AFAIK there are no 8 car garages, but yes, all garages of the same size look identical - same goes for apartments.
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Ey, wanna play some? I'VE GOT A YOUGA NOW!
... And modifying it made me broke as shit.
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I'll take the Bati.
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Ah, good to know. I'm still po as shit because I spend lots of time getting into pointless informal deathmatches with players in free roam, which usually only end when I realize I've wasted $30 grand on dying so many times. So I look at these garage pics people post like some dirty pleeb.
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Also, re: stimulus package
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I could see the fun in having the stainer, if you've got quite a bit of money into it and it has engine upgrades, it's a sleeper!
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How much did this garage cost you? And is it an apartment, or just a garage?
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I managed to grind together enough money when you could still repeat missions infinitely to get the cheapest apartment with a 6-car garage and have kept it ever since. I can get about 30-40k pretty quickly but usually don't keep it very long since I keep spending it on modifying my 6 cars...
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Extensive list of all the cars in the game with stats: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv…
For your garage I would remove the Blista and Stainer. You still need a "super" if you want a custom one for races. As for the last slot, you have the main races that people choose covered, maybe a sports classic or the exemplar for the coup?
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I've burned all my money modifying my Futo and Phoenix.
I have a kickass 2 car garage.
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I like compacts (especially VWs), and there aren't too many of them in GTA.
I race a lot, and if the car class is set to "Compacts", a modded Blista or Issi is good to have. On the other hand, compact races are pretty uncommon.
It's a 10-car garage, all of which look the same. All of the 6-car ones are identical, as are the 2-car ones. The same goes for the apartments. Those with 2-car garages look the same as each other, as do ones with 6-car garages. Neither of those have open windows, and thus no view outside.
Apartments with 10-car garages all have identical interiors, but they do have big windows that you can see out of, so each one has a unique view . I chose Tinsel Towers Apt. 29 . It's only $286,000, but has as good a view as the $400,000 one.
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I keep burning everything on modifying my Sabre, Phoenix, Vigero, Futo, Ruiner and Youga... I also had a heavily modified Buffalo and an equally cool Sultan but I sold those to make room for the seemingly buy-online-only Vigero and the ultra rare Youga...
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Tinsel Towers Apt. 29 , $286,000, just as good a view as the $400,000 apartment IMO.
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I'll keep it in mind. Now, how the hell do I get $286,000?!
I've earned maybe $100,000 over the whole time I've played online.
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I feel so inadequate. I only have 2 cars. I want so many more...but I can't afford a big garage.
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Never thought to do that, might have to grab one and do that myself!
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Definitely the Stanier and Blista.
I wish I could talk about my online garage...but I still don't have one.
Online is still being a pain on my end.
I've been able to complete the first race, and that's it.
Every time I try to go online, it says I've been kicked by other players.
How the heck does that work?
So, that leaves me to the single player garages...but talk of that is probably better for another day.
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It's got a cop motor, cop tires, cop suspension, cop horn. It's a model made before next-gen consoles so it'll run good on an old PC.
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lol, don't take my word for it, I haven't played GTA5 yet. But I noticed the op mentioned he has a bunch of money into all of these cars, so it led me to believe that perhaps the car was better than stock.
I bet with the new xbox coming out I could get a 360 real cheap? Is it worth it for Forza and GTA5? I was just going to wait for it to come out on PC (GTA5).
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Blista sucks.
Edit: Also wanted to express my approval of the bro truck, which is excellent.
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The Surfer is pretty pointless, but it looks cool . The Injection is atop my list for getting the boot.
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You're actually completely right, the Stainer makes a lovely sleeper with the right mods. Expensive though. You could probably get a 360 for cheap but Xbox Live is $60/year and necessary for online, a PS3 costs a bit more but the online is free. You can't get Forza on PS3 but you can get Gran Turismo, the newest one is looking nice.
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the car will run good on a PC? I'm so confuse. You mean the game was made before next gen consoles?
I have a pretty new PC, so I am not concerned about that.
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Hmmm, I'm going to likely hold off till the PC version and maybe pick up a console when the next generations release so it gets even cheaper ^_^
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Sell Ballers and Felons for $9000 once every in-game day (48 minutes real-time). Grind the "Criminal Records" race. Play Survival in "Boneyard" or "Processed" and stay in cover.
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You should ditch the BF Injection, Sheriff SUV (it looks cool but that's about it), Surfer, Blista, and the Stainer.
If you want to get easy money, start up a Down the Drain race and set it to 1 lap. I'd pick motorcycles for the class and get a fully upgraded Akuma, seems to be the best bike to race. Start the race after 4 people join, after this the pay outs just get worse for the people finishing last.
1st place gets you $13000 and around 4,000 RP
Also, I have about 4 spaces in my garage dedicated to Cars I intend to sell to LSC, I usually go for the Land Rovers since they are easiest to spot, $9k every 45 minutes. 1st thing I do when joining a game is sell a baller and on the way back, try and find a new one, or a lampardi, etc.
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As far as the Sheriff SUV goes, I've found that it's a good one to hunt bounties and/or troll in freeroam. If they aren't watching the dots on the map, you can often get the jump on people who assume you're a cop with lights & sirens.
Plus, it gives its occupants a Carbine Rifle, and it holds 8 people.
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and sjeeez, $60 a year for Xbox live? That hurts the car-parts budget!
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I was trying to be clever and failed.
The Stainer is a civilian version of the model used for the "Police Cruiser" in GTA: IV (therefore, it's literally an old model from 2008) .
My Stainer is fully modded with brakes, engine, armour, suspension, turbo, bulletproof tires, cop-style black steel wheels, and a cop horn.
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Did not know the Sherrif SUV gave out carbines, interesting. I have a fully upgraded civilian one, painted bright orange
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haha Got ya! I'm excited to play this game.... in early 2014 apparently.
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I went full-on obnoxious with it. Metallic Pussy Magnet Yellow, yellow tire smoke, limo tint, truck horn. Just waiting to unlock the canopy. No stupid external fuel tanks though, since it's not a F650 dually or anything.
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That sucks. Are you getting kicked out of freeroam? I didn't know that was possible. I've occasionally had players kick me from races and jobs, but not freeroam.
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It kicks me out of Online completely.
I decided to try an invite only match. I was able to make a bit more progress, before I lagged out of XBL.
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I wish I had a suggestion, but I'm stumped.
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Two wheels bad.
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I guess the best idea might be to wait until the next game update to see if anything changes.
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I'm at work and won't be out for another hour but if you're still awake in an hour I'll be on.
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Maybe, maybe not. I've got to get up at 8 tomorrow to go to a game expo.
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Just so you know I got the reference.
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You did it right broseph.
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It gets the most laughs from friends, too. "Here comes Lone in his big yellow school bus." "Holy shit, he just drove over all the traffic!"
Have another pic, this time in the sun:
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Helllllll yes
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Get rid of the motorcycle... 2 wheels bad.
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Two wheels good. Besides, there's bike races. It's nice to have a custom vehicle for races.
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Then the Blista it is.
![]() 11/01/2013 at 19:20 |
Where do you get the Phoenix? I've been looking for DAYS!
![]() 11/01/2013 at 19:36 |
So it seems that online the old feature where the car you're in determines what shows up is more prevalent. Get in a muscle car and head south, I got mine in like the dock area? Near some train depot.
I think I was driving a Sabre GT when I found it
![]() 11/03/2013 at 01:46 |
New plan for the night. hahahaha